Douglas Street Campus


Douglas Street Campus


Douglas Street Campus


Refund Policy

Take the first step!


Fees & Payment

Refund Policy

Please Note:

*All requests for refunds must be made in writing and addressed to the Admissions Officer, Cork College of FET, Douglas Street Campus, Sawmill Street, Cork City, T12 DW32.

*Please be aware that refunds can take up to 3 weeks to receive as they are processed through our Head Office in the City of Cork Education and Training Board.

Please be aware students are only entitled to a refund of the QQI and PLC fee if they hold a full medical card in their own name. The cut off point for the medical card refund is the last TEACHING DAY OF SEPTEMBER.

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Situation 1

Student accepts an offer of a place and pays fees and then informs the College before the commencement of classes that he/she is not going to take up their place.

The Policy States: Refund full amount of fees paid.

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Situation 2

Student accepts an offer of a place and pays fees and having commenced the course, informs the College before 01 October that he/she is not proceeding with their participation.

The Policy States: Refund fees paid less €50 from Student Services payment;

  • Less cost of any uniforms, kits, courses etc that have been given to the student as a requirement for the course.
  • Less any examination fees that have been paid by the student for external examination bodies, if those fees have been remitted to that body.
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Situation 3

Student, having accepted a place and commenced on course, decides to leave after 01 October.

The Policy States: No refund except any external examination fees that have not been paid to the external examining body.

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Situation 4

Student, having secured a place on a self-financing course then withdraws from course after course commencement.

The Policy States: No refund can be given as self-financing course can only run under specified student number. If a self-financing course has commenced the student is not entitled to a refund as their place would have determined course commencement. These fees have been paid to finance this course directly.