Douglas Street Campus


Douglas Street Campus


Douglas Street Campus


BTEI (Back to Education Initiative)

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Cork Education and Training Board, and Cork College of FET Campuses reserve the right to review, modify, or cancel any course without prior notice. This website does not create any legal obligation for Cork Education and Training Board or Cork College of FET to deliver specific courses or services to learners. Additionally, Cork Education and Training Board and Cork College of FET reserve the right to amend or remove any information contained herein at any time and are not bound by any errors or omissions and accept no liability related to such matters.

Where a decision is made to cancel any course, every effort will be made to provide applicants with the earliest possible notification of such a cancellation.


The Back to Education Initiative (BTEI) provides part-time courses for adults and young people who wish to return to learning. Anyone can take part in these courses – they are aimed primarily at those with little or no formal educational qualifications. There are no fees for anyone on a medical card or their dependents or for anyone with less than upper second level education.

At Cork College of FET, Douglas Street Campus, we offer a wide range of QQI Level 4 subjects in various disciplines. It is hoped that these part-time day courses will allow those with family, work, and other commitments to return to education and training and gain qualifications in their chosen area.

Who can take part in BTEI programmes?

Anyone who has left full-time education can take part in a course being offered.

What will a BTEI course cost?

Individuals will have different entitlements:

  • Those who have a Leaving Cert or less and who are in receipt of unemployment payments or means-tested social welfare benefits OR
  • family income supplement payments OR
  • holders of medical cards OR
  • dependents of those entitled to any of these, are entitled to free tuition.
  • Other unwaged people with no Leaving Cert will be entitled to a reduction in fees.
  • Anyone else will be charged fees. All fees will be discussed after participants apply for the course of their choice using the online application.
  • Applicants will then be contacted by the college before the course commences to inform them of any fees that may apply.

Will I be paid while attending a BTEI course?

Generally no, except for those participants eligible for full-time Youthreach/Traveller training programmes who do not have an underlying social welfare entitlement. They will receive a pro-rata training allowance from the Department of Education and Science, depending on the number of sessions they attend.

For people in receipt of social welfare payments, continued entitlement to benefit is subject to satisfying the Department of Social and Family Affairs as to their continued eligibility for the schemes. It is best to discuss individual circumstances with the social welfare office.