Take the first step!
You are always welcome to join us in the Library which is the hub of the students’ learning experience in Cork College of FET Douglas Street Campus. We have resources for each department both printed and electronic. We can also help you with your photocopying, scanning and printing. Our friendly staff is always available to help you on your journey through your chosen course of study.
Cork College of FET Douglas Street Campus Library is the main source of information provision, both printed and electronic, in the College. It recognises the need for students to have access to a wide range of information sources in an increasingly resource-based system of education.
The Library intends to reflect the needs of adult and PLC students in the preparation for a life of learning. It recognises the student as self-directed and motivated and at the centre of the learning process, being supported by teachers and other students.
The service is a modern, up-to-date library situated on two floors. The Library is accessed from the 3rd floor of the College only. Access via the emergency exit on the 4th floor is strictly prohibited and is only to be used in emergencies.
Students can reserve the Skills Centre room and booking to Study Clinic in advance.
The Library opening hours are:
- Monday 9:00 to 4:30
- Tuesday 9:00 to 5:00
- Wednesday 9:00 to 5:00
- Thursday 9:00 to 5:00
- Friday 9:00 to 2:00
An Information Officer is available for assistance during this time. Books, both fiction and course related, DVDs, games and eBooks can be borrowed.
All full-time students of the College are automatically considered to be members. A valid student card is required to borrow books.
Desk reserves include periodicals, the Mary Rose O’Driscoll art collection and EPA reports.
Members have access to the internet and educational based software. Members can download notes online from their individual courses e.g. book lists, project briefs, lecture notes, past exam papers etc.
Members also have access to the online library catalogue and mobile app where they can browse, borrow and renew loans on the go.
E-learning resources available in the Library include:
- Notes online
- Moodle
- iTunes U
- Information Technology Training Manuals
- A wide selection of eBooks.
Further information on these can be had from the Library desk and your teacher.
The Library has dedicated sections for careers, E.U., self-help, travel and fiction. A quiet study area is located on the top floor and the Skills Centre room is available to individual or small student study groups for booking.
Students can photocopy class material in the library by purchasing a copying card from the card dispensing machine. Scanners are also available on the lower floor.
Users are responsible, in the Library, for their individual computer accounts. Use of ICT is subject to a code of conduct. Individual password security is the responsibility of each user. The library encourages all members to use electronic communications in a way that is respectful to others and according to this code.
The Library provides students with a peaceful environment where study and research can be carried out in an atmosphere of mutual respect and co-operation. There are tuition sessions during orientation week to show students how to use the library facilities.
The Library policy, which outlines the code of conduct for members, is available online on the College website. It is also available on request from the Library.
Eating and drinking in the Library is strictly prohibited and can result in immediate suspension.