Student Disability Service
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Student Disability Service
Douglas Street Campus fosters an inclusive learning environment. It endeavours to accommodate disability and diversity and it aims to empower each student to participate in an inclusive learning environment, which is free from physical, attitudinal and informational barriers as is practically possible. This environment emphasises equality for all students and the focus is on ability and not on difference or disability.
- This environment emphasis equality for all students and the focus is on ability and not on difference or disability.
- Students with a disability have a responsibility to disclose their Disability / Special Learning Disability on their application form.
- When a student has disclosed their disability, they have an opportunity to meet with the Disability Support Officer and supports will be outlined.
- It is our policy that students can access Solas funding once they provide up to date relevant medical / psychological reports to support their application through the Disability Support Service.
- Letters from GP’s are not acceptable in any circumstances as an assessment of disability
- Assessments from the attached list of specialists will be acceptable.
Gretta Looney,
Disability Support Officer.